
Showing posts from December, 2022

Preventive Legislations in Sri Lanka for Cyber-Attacks

"Everybody should want to make sure that we have the cyber tools necessary to investigate cyber crimes, and to be prepared to defend against them and to bring people to justice who commit it." -  Janet Reno My article’s objective is to investigate laws that are enabled to prevent cyber-attacks in Sri Lanka and also analyze whether those laws are sufficient to prevent a cyber welfare in the future. It has been recognized mainly the  role of cyber laws in cybersecurity, preventive legislations in Sri Lanka for cyber-attacks, what are the present regulations in Sri Lanka? And what are the measures taken by the government? Scope of cyber law. This article includes information and links pertaining to Digital Laws which have been adopted in Sri Lanka. In the analysis, the statutes and laws are being discussed. It has been critically analyzed the preventive laws in Sri Lanka such as, Electronic Transaction Act, Information and Communication Technology Act, Telecommunication ...

Software projects fail? – 10 Common reasons and Prevention strategies

   In today's technologically advanced world, almost every company is developing and improving software solutions to aid in the expansion of their businesses. Surprisingly, the majority of these quickly growing software businesses end in failure. Overly enthusiastic innovators may ignore little elements that are crucial to a project's success. IT professionals usually overestimate the value of their ideas, struggle to work together effectively, and use the wrong tools to construct projects. To lower the failure rate of these projects, it is therefore vital to address the issues that can result in their failure. Do you wish to investigate the causes of software development failure from the case studies of unsuccessful software projects? This article will give you advice on some of the most typical reasons why software projects fail so you can stop your efforts from being for naught.   1.        Unclear specifications       Everyone involv...